To Tutorials and Projects
IT 231 -- Tutorial 1
Completed in class: Jan 11.
Goal: Create a web page with some of your personal information.
Follow these steps to complete the tutorial. Include source code comments
that explain what each section is on your webpage. Source code comments are
worth 10% for this tutorial.
- Start your webpage with the HTML5 validation header.
- Add start and end html elements with the language set to english:
<html lang="en">
- Add start and end head elements.
- Add start and end body elements.
- Add a title to the head section: Stan Smith Personal Information (replace
with your name)
- Add an h1 header to the body section: Stan Smith
Personal Information (replace with your name)
- Add an h2 header to the body section: Hobbies
- Add an ordered list or unordered list of your hobbies.
- Add at least two more h2 headers and ordered or
unordered lists that display personal information, for example
favorite movies, favorite songs, favorite video games, etc.
- Add an image of your choice and paragraph (p element) that displays a
caption for the image. The image can be of you or of anything else that relates
to your personal information.
- Include an interesting fact or other piece of interesting information that is initially
hidden on your webpage that is made visible when a button is clicked. See the Birthday Riddle
- Add an external CSS style sheet that sets the font, background color, and text color for the body.
Use a sans serif font. Also, set the width and height of the image.
Grading Breakdown: Functionality: 60, Creativity: 20, Source
Code Comments: 10, Source Code Header (includes name, tutorial number, and
submit date): 5, Correct Zipfile: 5.