To Tutorials and Projects

IT 231 -- Project 1

Goal: Create a static website to be served with a Node server on localhost.  Use the host number 3000.  This website can be for a hypothetical business or organization such as a library, tourist information center, or sports team.

  1. Include 4 to 6 pages in your website. Some routes for sample webpages are home, about_us, news, products, mission, sale_items.
  2. If you use webpages with the routes in the preceding items, and port number 3000, the URLs to view these pages will be:
  3. Load the content of each webpage from a file using fs.readFile.
  4. Do not include hyperlinks, images, or external stylesheet links on your pages. We will wait for Project 2 and Express.js to implement these features.
  5. Although we will wait to include images on pages, we can display images directly. Include at least one directly displayed image, for example for our_office.
  6. Include document-level styles in the head sections of your pages. Use <style> tags for the styles.

Grading Breakdown: Functionality: 60, Creativity: 20, Source Code Comments: 10, Submitted Correctly: 10

Source code comments should be placed in the main.js script.

Submitted correctly means including a software header with name, project number, and submit date in each HTML files and in the main.js script. Also zip up the entire project folders, named project1-<your-;ast-name>, when creating the zip file to submit.