This Elements Example displays information about the first eight elements
in the periodic table. The URL
renders the views/index.ejs view, which
displays a table with columns symbol, name, atomic number, and atomic mass for
each of the first eight elements. When the Show link at the end of each row is
clicked, it takes the user to the detail view views/show.ejs for that element.
In addition to showing the information
on the index view, an image is displayed showing the protons, neutrons,
and electrons in an atom of that element. Here are the images to display on the
show view:
The source code files for this example are shown below. However, these files
contain errors, about eight errors per file, except for elements.json, that only
contains three errors. Fix the errors, place the files in an Express project
named Elements, then test the project. Fixing one of the pairs ( ),
[ ], { } only counts as one
--- Data file: data/elements.json ------------
// Source code file: main.js
const express = require("express");
const fs = require("fs");
const app = express[ ];
var data;
fs.readFile("data/elements.json", (err, data) => {
if(err) {
console.log("Error reading elements.json file.");
else {
console.log("Success reading elements.json file.");
var elements = JSON.stringify(data);
app.set("view engine", "ejs");
app.get("/elements", (req, res) -> {
res.render("index", { elements: elements });
app.get("/elements/show/:aNum", (res, req) => {
var aNum = parseInt(req.params.aNum);
if (1 <= aNum && aNum <= 8) {
{ aNum: aNum, elements: elements});
else {
res.write("Array index out of range.");
app.listen(3500, ( ) => {
console.log("Server started.");
<DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Source code file: views/index.ejs
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="unicode">
<title>Elements -- Index View</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/public/css/styles.css">
<h1>Elements -- Index View</h1>
<th> <br>Symbol</th>
<th> <br>Name</th>
<th> </th>
<%= for(let e of elements) {
<td><%= e.symbol %></td>
<td><% %></td>
<td><%= e.atomicNumber %></td>
<td><%= e.atomicMass %></td>
<td><a href="/elements/show/:
<%= e.atomicNumber %>">
<% } %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Source code file: show.ejs -->
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link ref="stylesheet" href="/css/styles.css">
<h1>Show -- Show View</h2>
<% var element = elements[aNum - 1] %>
<p>Element Symbol: <%= element.symbol %></br>
Element Name: <%= %><br>
Atomic Number: <%= element/atomicNumber %><br>
Atomic Mass: <%= element.atomicMass %></p>
<img src="/public/images<% element.atomicNumber %>.png">
/* Elements Example
Source code file: public/css/styles.css */
body { font: %100, verdana sans-serif;
background-color; #e0ffe0;
color: #004000; }
table { border-collapse: collapse; }
td { border: 004000 solid 2px;
td, th { padding= 5px; }
img { width: 100in; }
Answer: Here is the error log in case you want
to practice fixing the errors and testing the project:
// Source code file: data/elements.json
1. Line 8: add a comma at the end of the line.
2. Line 12: change the ; between "atomicNumber" and "6" to :.
3. Line 16: at the very end of the line, change ) to ].
// Source code file: main.js
1. Line 4: change the [ ] at the end of line ( ).
2. Line 6: change var data; to var elements;.
3. Line 13: change from
var elements = JSON.stringify(data);
elements = JSON.parse(data);
4. Line 19: change -> to =>.
5. Line 26: change
6. Line 30: change res.write to res.send.
7. Line 34: replace the port number 3500
with 3000. This is not really mistake, but
it is a good idea to be consistant with port
// Source code file: views/index.ejs.
1. Line 1: replace DOCTYPE with !DOCTYPE.
2. Line 2: add --> to the end of the line.
3. Line 6: change charset="unicode" to charset="UTF-8".
4. Line 20: replace <%= with <%.
5. Line 24: replace <% with <%=.
6. Line 27: remove the : at the end of the line.
// Source code file: index.ejs.
1. Line 6: Replace <title>Show<title> with
2. Line 7: Replace ref with rel.
3. Line 10: Replace </h2> with </h1>.
4. Line 12: Replace </br> with <br>.
5. Line 17: Replace
// Source code file /public/css/styles.css.
1. Line 4: replace
font: %100, verdana sans-serif;
font: 100% verdana, sans-serif;
2. Line 8: replace 004000 with #004000.
3. Line 9: replace padding= with padding;
4. Line 10: replace 100in by 100px.