To Projects

IT 403 -- Project 1

Practice using R

  1. Create a vector of these hypothetical exam scores from the R console using the c (combine) function:
  2. Use R to do the following:
    1. Print the dataset:
      > print(exam_scores)
    2. Compute, Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, and IQR for the hypothetical exam scores:
      > quantiles(exam_scores, probs=c(0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0));
  3. Open a Word (.docx) file. Add your name, submission date, and project number at beginning of the output file, for example:
    Stan Smith
    Project 1
    April 8, 2024
    Also add the values of the quartiles like this:
    Q0: ???
    Q1: ???
    Q2: ???
    Q3: ???
    Q4: ???
    We want to know that you can find the requested information from the R output. Type the actual values of the quartiles read from the R output instead of ???.
  4. Create the histogram of the hypothetical exam scores:
    > hist(exam_scores)
    Click on the resulting histogram window. Then click the button at the top of the R Console: Copy to the clipboard as a metafile, go to the Word document, and paste the graph at the end of your Word output.
  5. Create the boxplot of the hypothetical exam scores:
    > boxplot(exam_scores)
    Save the boxplot graph at the end of your Word file like you saved the histogram.
  6. Save your output file as Project1Smith.docx. (Replace Smith by your last name.)
  7. Submit your Word file to the Project 1 dropbox on D2L.