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IT 212 -- Midterm Review Guide

Bring to Midterm:

Midterm Question Types:




  1. Indefinite loops (while loops). Example:
    i = 1
    while i <= 100:
        i += 1  
  2. Definite Loops (for loops). Examples:
    for i in range(1, 101):
    for n in [2, 3, 5, 7]:

Be Able To:

  1. Answer multiple choice questions Give an optional reason or show your work for partial credit.
  2. Construct a variable trace and predict the output for a Python script.
  3. Find errors in a Python script.
  4. Put the lines of a Python script in the correct order for a script that has its lines shuffled.
  5. Given a Python script, extract a standalone method and write traditional and unit test scripts ( and to test the method.
  6. Given a traditional test script for a class, convert it to a unit test script.
  7. Convert an int value among these representations: decimal, binary, hex. The maximum value will be 127 decimal (0x7f hex, 0b01111111 binary).
  8. Perform bitwise operations bitwise and ( & ), bitwise or ( | ), and bitwise exclusive or ( ^ ).
  9. Interpret a hex dump, similar to Problem 5 of Project 1, that contains data expressed in one of these formats: ASCII string, packed decimal, hex integer, bit map.