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IT 212 -- Project 7

User Defined Automobile Class


  1. Identify items in the Automobile class and first test file.
  2. Construct the variable trace table and predict the output of the second test file.

Relevant Examples:


  1. Identify the following items in the Automobile class and test file

         Class Name   Instance Variable   Instance Method   Public Member

         Private Member  Dunder Method   Constructor   Local Variable 

         Standalone  Method   Parameter   Argument
  2. Construct the variable trace table and predict the output from the test file You can fill in this variable trace table:
      Local    Automobile object herbie Automobile object christine
    Variable  ======================== ===========================
       i       model color  velocity    model color  velocity
    +------+  +-----+-----+---------+  +-----+-----+---------+
    |      |  |     |     |         |  |     |     |         |
    +------+  +-----+-----+---------+  +-----+-----+---------+
    |      |  |     |     |         |  |     |     |         |
    +------+  +-----+-----+---------+  +-----+-----+---------+
    |      |  |     |     |         |  |     |     |         |
    +------+  +-----+-----+---------+  +-----+-----+---------+
       You may need more than 3 rows in your table
    Also predict the output.