read desired_first_name from keyboard, prompting user read desired_last_name from keyboard, prompting user initialize total_credit_hours to 0 initialize total_grade_points to 0.0 open input file to create file object fin read and throw away first line read first line of input file while line not empty use split function to extract fields from line assign fields[1] to last_name assign fields[2] to first_name assign fields[6] to credit_hours, converting to int assign fields[7] to grade if first_name is equal to desired_first_name and last_name is equal to desired_last_name if grade is equal to A assign credit_hours * 4 to grade_points else if grade is equal to B assign credit_hours * 3 to grade_points else if grade is equal to C assign credit_hours * 2 to grade_points else if grade is equal to D assign credit_hours * 1 to grade_points else assign credit_hours to zero end if..else statements update total_credit_hours update total_grade_points end if statement read next line of input file end while loop close input file compute gpa = total_grade_points / total_credit_hours print(f"GPA for {desired_first_name} {desired_last_name} is {round(gpa, 2)}.")