Variable Trace Tables and Outputs for files of the examples Pet, BankAccount, and Card ******************************** * Pet Example -- file * ******************************** Variable Trace Table Abbreviations for table: at == animal_type by == birth_year iv == is_vaccinated pets list: List index 0 ================================ name at by iv --------+-------+------+-------- "Molly" | "Dog" | 2015 | False True List index 1 ================================= name at by iv ---------+-------+------+-------- "Gracie" | "Cat" | 2014 | False True List index 2 ======================================== name at by iv -------------+----------+------+-------- "Cottontail" | "Rabbit" | 2017 | False True List index 3 ======================================= name at by iv --------+--------------+------+-------- "Fred" | "Guinea Pig" | 2018 | False True Output: Molly Dog 2015 Gracie Cat 2015 Cottontail Rabbit 2017 Fred Guinea Pig 2018 True True True True **************************************** * BankAccount Example -- file * **************************************** Variable Trace Table acct1 object: i acct_id name phone balance acct_id name phone balance ----++---------+-----------+----------------+---------++--------+-----------+----------------+---------- || 23456 | "Collins" | "356/573-3789" | 0.0 || 23456 | "Collins" | "356/573-3789" | 0.0 0 || | | | 600.0 || | | | 800.0 1 || | | | 1200.0 || | | | 1600.0 2 || | | | 1800.0 || | | | 2400.0 3 || | | | 2400.0 || | | | 3200.0 4 || | | | 3000.0 || | | | 4000.0 5 || | | | 3600.0 || | | | 4800.0 6 || | | | 4200.0 || | | | 5600.0 7 || | | | 4800.0 || | | | 6400.0 8 || | | | 5200.0 || | | | 7200.0 9 || | | | 6000.0 || | | | 8000.0 10 || | | | 6600.0 || | | | 8800.0 11 || | | | 7200.0 || | | | 9600.0 || | | | 7000.0 || | | | 9600.0 Output: 23456 Collins 356/573-3789 45678 Zapata 632/384-4087 7200.0 96000.0 7000.0 96000.0 ********************************* * Card Example -- file * ********************************* Trace table not shown. The file uses double for loop to append Card objects to the cards array in this order: 2C 3C ... JC QC KC AC 2D 3D ... JD QD KD AD 2H 3H ... JH QH KH AH 2S 3S ... JS QS KS AS Then the cards are randomly shuffled. Here is the output: 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C 10C JC QC KC AC 2D 3D 4D 5D 6D 7D 8D 9D 10D JD QD KD AD 2H 3H 4H 5H 6H 7H 8H 9H 10H JH QH KH AH 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8S 9S 10S JS QS KS AS 9H 3D KS 4C KC 7C QC 6C JD 10D 6S 9S JC 2C 8S AH 8D QH 8C AS JH 5S 10H 3H 6D 10C 9C AD QS 6H 5C JS 4H 3S AC 9D 4S 2D 8H 10S 4D 2H 5H KD 3C QD 2S 7S 5D 7H KH 7D