To Lecture Notes

IT 211 -- May 13, 2019

Review Exercises

  1. What are the Python names for these datatypes: array, dictionary, floating point, integer, logical (True or False).
    Ans: list, dict, float, int, bool
  2. How are these symbols used in Python:
    +  *  /  \  =  !  #  .  ( )  [ ]  { }
    Ans: +: addition, concatenation, assignment operator (+=).
    *: multiplication, exponentiation, repetition, assignment operator (*=).
    /: floating point division, integer addition (//), assignment operators (/* and //*).
    \: line continuation.
    =: assignment operators (=), comparison operators (==, <=, >=, !=), assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, /=, //=, %=).
    !: not as in not equal (!=).
    #: source code comment.
    .: member selection operator, for example s.upper( ), p.have_birthday( ), p.age.
    ( ): grouping in formula to change order of operations, method definition, method invocation, tuple definition.
    [ ]: list definition, look up item in list by index (print(a[2])).
    { }: dictionary definition, look up item in list by key (print(d["C4544"]).
  3. Explain the difference between the __init__ method and a class constructor.
    Ans: The constructor is a standalone method generated by the Python interpreter. It always has the same name as the name of its class. A constructor creates a new object of its class, and then immediately calls the __init__ method of the class to set the values of the instance methods.
  4. For a class object p, the __str__ method should not be invoked like this
    print(p.__str__( ))
    because it is private. (Actually, there is nothing stopping you from accessing __str__ in this way, but it would be bad manners to do so because the __str__ method is private. The concept of private is on the honor system in Python.  Other languages like Ruby, C++, Java, and C# inforce privacy.) How should this method be invoked by p?
    a. p.str( )      b. str(p)      c. str(print(p))      d.   __str__(p)
    Ans: b
  5. In the Card Example, identify these items in the Card class and test1 test files:

         Class Name   Instance Variable   Instance Method   Public Member

         Private Member  Dunder Method   Constructor   Local Variable 

         Standalone  Method   Parameter   Argument

    Ans: Here are identified items  for each example class.
  6. Draw the variable trace table and predict the output for this script using from the Card Example.
    from card import Card
    a = Card(13, "H")
    b = Card(11, "C")
    print(b, "b", a, "a", end=" * ")
    print(a.color( ), b.color( ))
    b.rank = 3
    b.suit = "S"
    print(b.color( ) + str(b))
    Card object a:  Card object b:
     rank   suit    rank   suit
      13     "H"     11     "C"
       3     "S"
    JCbKHc * red black

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