To Lecture Notes

IT 211 -- Jan 23, 2019

Review Exercises

  1. What is the Python symbol for line continuation?
    Ans: Backslash. For example:
    sum = x1 + x2 + x3 + \
          x4 + x5 + x6
    No spaces or tabs are allowed on the line after the backslash.
  2. Construct the variable trace and predict the output for these examples:

         Trace3    Trace4

    Check your answer by running the script in each case.
  3. Rewrite the last line of this script using an F-string:
    person1 = "Bill"
    person2 = "Dan"
    amt = 300.0
    print(person1, " owes ", person2, " $", str(amt), ".")
    print(f"{person1} owes {person2} ${amt}.")
  4. What is printed when the int values 2 and 3 are input from the keyboard? Construct the variable trace to help you predict the output.
    x = int(input("Enter x value: "))            
    y = int(input("Enter y value: "))                    
    x = y                              
    y = x                              
    print(f"{x} {y}") 
    Variable Trace:   x     y
                      2     3
                      3     3
    3 3
    When you execute x = y, you lose the value of 
    2 in x.
  5. Improve the script in Exercise 4 to successfully swap the values of x and y?
    x = int(input("Enter x value: "))            
    y = int(input("Enter y value: "))                    
    temp = y
    y = x
    x = temp
    print(f"{x} {y}")
    # Ans:
    # Variable Trace:  Output: 3 2
      x     y   temp
      2     3     3
      2     2     3
      3     2     3
    You could also use this special Python command x,y = y,x that assigns x and y new values at the same time:
    x = int(input("Enter x value: "))            
    y = int(input("Enter y value: "))                    
    y, x = x, y
    print(f"{x} {y}")
    # Output: 3 2
  6. Find the errors in this script:
    // TipCalculator Script
    amt = input("Enter amount of check: ')
    tip = amt + percent
    percent = input(f"Enter tip percentage: "
    if tip > 1.00
        tip = amt + percentage
        tip = 1.00
    print(f"Tip: ${tip}.")
    # Corrected Script:
    amt = float(input("Enter amount of check: "))
    percent = float(input("Enter tip percentage: "))
    tip = amt * percent / 100
    if tip < 1.00:
        tip = 1.00
    print(f"Tip: ${tip}.")
  7. An infinite loop is a loop that never terminates, for example:
    while True:
       print("I am in an infinite loop.")
    Why are each of these infinite loops?
    # Loop 1:
    n = 0
    while n <= 100:
    # Ans: There is no n = n + 1 statement to change
    # the value of n.
    # Loop 2:
    while n <= 100:
        n = 0
        n = n + 1
    # Ans: the initialization n = 0 is inside the loop, so the
    value of n is reset to 0 each time the loop executes.
    # Loop 3:
    n = 0
    while n <= 100:
    n = n + 1
    Ans: The iteration statement n = n + 1 is not indented, so it is not
    in the while loop.  Therefore n never changes.
  8. Translate these lines from the pseudocode for Project 2b:
    set human score to 0.0.
    set computer score to 0.0.
    while true
        input human play with prompt.
        choose random number from 0, 1, or 2.
        if random number is 0
            Set computer play to rock.
        else if random number is 1
            Set computer play to paper.
            Set computer play to scissors.
        if human plays rock and computer plays paper
            Output paper covers scissors, computer wins.
            Add 1.0 to computer's score.
    # Python translation:
    human_score = 0
    computer_score = 0
    while True:
        human_play = input("Enter human play: ")
        random_number = random.randrange(0, 3)
        if random_number == 0:
            computer_play = "rock"
        elif random_number == 1:
            computer_play = "paper"
            computer_play = "scissors"
        if human_play == "rock" and computer_play == "paper":
            print("Rock covers paper")
            print("Computer wins.")
            computer_score = computer_score + 1

Finish Discussing Project 2b

Definite Loops