* Sgpanel Example Show four sgpanel examples; options ls=64 nodate pageno=1; * Example 1 -- Create a panel of loess curves; title1 "Cholesterol Levels for Age > 60"; proc sgpanel data=sashelp.heart( where=(AgeAtStart > 60)) ; panelby sex / novarname; loess x=weight y=cholesterol / clm; run; * Example 2 -- Create a panel of vertical bar charts; title1 "Product Sales"; proc sgpanel data=sashelp.prdsale; panelby quarter; rowaxis label="Sales"; vbar product / response=predict stat=mean transparency=0.3; vbar product / response=actual stat=mean barwidth=0.5 transparency=0.3; run; * Example 3 -- Create a panel of box plots in a lattice layout; title1 "Distribution of Cholesterol Levels"; proc sgpanel data=sashelp.heart; panelby weight_status sex / layout=lattice novarname; hbox cholesterol; run; * Example 4 -- Create a panel of cells with a histogram and a normal density curve; title1 "Weight Distribution in the Heart Study"; proc sgpanel data=sashelp.heart noautolegend; panelby sex / novarname; histogram weight; density weight; run; quit;