* Iris1 Example The sashelp.iris dataset consists of four variables, all measured in millimeters: PetalLength, PetalWidth, SepalLength, SepalWidth. Change the plot statement in gplot or the scatterplot statement to create all six pairwise plots Use gplot to plot SepalLength vs. SepalWidth; data newiris; set sashelp.iris; if species='Setosa' then symbol=1; else if species='Versicolor' then symbol=2; else symbol=3; goptions reset=symbol; symbol1 v=star h=1.5 c=black; symbol2 v=triangle h=1.5 c=black; symbol3 v=+ h=1.5 c=black; proc gplot data=newiris; title 'Fisher Iris Data -- 1936'; plot SepalLength*SepalWidth=symbol; run; quit;