Number of Boats by Port, Locomotion, and Type 1 Port Lahaina ------------------------------------------- | | Type | | |-------------------------| | | cat | yac | | |------------+------------| | | N | N | |---------------+------------+------------| |Locomotion | | | |---------------| | | |power | .| 1.00| |---------------+------------+------------| |sail | 1.00| .| ------------------------------------------- Number of Boats by Port, Locomotion, and Type 2 Port Maalea -------------------------------------------------------- | | Type | | |--------------------------------------| | | cat | sch | yac | | |------------+------------+------------| | | N | N | N | |---------------+------------+------------+------------| |Locomotion | | | | |---------------| | | | |power | 3.00| .| 1.00| |---------------+------------+------------+------------| |sail | 1.00| 2.00| 1.00| -------------------------------------------------------- Mean Price by Locomotion and Type 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Mean | | |---------------------------------------------------| | | Price | | |---------------------------------------------------| | | Type | | | |--------------------------------------| | | | cat | sch | yac | All | |---------------+------------+------------+------------+------------| |Locomotion | | | | | |---------------| | | | | |power | 73.50| .| 79.97| 76.09| |---------------+------------+------------+------------+------------| |sail | 102.48| 136.25| 72.95| 110.08| |---------------+------------+------------+------------+------------| |All | 85.09| 136.25| 77.63| 93.08| --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 --------------------------------------------------------- |Full Day | Mean | |Excursions |---------------------------------------| | | Price | | |---------------------------------------| | | Type | | | |-----------------------------| | | | cat | sch | yac | All | |---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------| |Locomotion | | | | | |---------------| | | | | |power | $73.50| none| $79.97| $76.09| |---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------| |sail | $102.48| $136.25| $72.95| $110.08| |---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------| |All | $85.09| $136.25| $77.63| $93.08| --------------------------------------------------------- 5 --------------------------------------------------------- |Full Day | Mean Price by Type of Boat | |Excursions |---------------------------------------| | |catamaran|schooner | yacht | All | |---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------| |power | $73.50| none| $79.97| $76.09| |---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------| |sail | $102.48| $136.25| $72.95| $110.08| |---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------| |All | $85.09| $136.25| $77.63| $93.08| --------------------------------------------------------- Price and Length by Type of Boat 6 ------------------------------------------------------------- | | Mean | | |-------------------------------------------| | | | Length | | | Price |-----------| | |-------------------------------| Type | | | | Type | |--------| | | |-----------------------| |c-|s-|y-|A-| | | cat | sch | yac | All |at|ch|ac|ll| |---------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+--+--+--+--| |Locomotion | | | | | | | | | |---------------| | | | | | | | | |power | $73.50| .| $79.97| $76.09|82| .|48|68| |---------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+--+--+--+--| |sail |$102.48|$136.25| $72.95|$110.08|63|58|65|61| |---------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+--+--+--+--| |All | $85.09|$136.25| $77.63| $93.08|74|58|53|65| -------------------------------------------------------------