* Series2 Example Show how to control axes and reference lines. Plot average high and low temperatures for three cities Ref: Little SAS Book, p 243; data cities; input Month IntFalls Raleigh Yuma @@; datalines; 1 12.2 50.7 68.5 2 20.1 54.5 74.1 3 32.4 63.7 79.0 4 49.6 72.7 86.7 5 64.4 79.7 94.1 6 73.0 85.8 103.1 7 78.1 88.7 106.9 8 75.6 87.4 105.6 9 64.0 82.6 101.5 10 52.2 72.9 91.0 11 32.5 63.9 77.5 12 17.8 54.1 68.9 * Plot average high and low temperatures by city; proc sgplot data = cities; series x = Month y = IntFalls; series x = Month y = Raleigh; series x = Month y = Yuma; refline 32 75 / label = ('32 degrees' '75 degrees') transparency = 0.5; xaxis type = discrete; yaxis label = 'Average High Temperature (F)'; title 'Temperatures for International Falls,'; title2 'Raleigh, and Yuma'; run; quit;