* Series1 Example Graph the hourly use of electricity as a time series. Connect the dots with line segments. Ref: The Little SAS Book, p. 238, 9; data electricity; input Time kWh @@; datalines; 0 0.22 1 0.15 2 0.17 3 0.18 4 0.19 5 0.23 6 0.5 7 0.63 8 0.61 9 0.6 10 0.48 11 0.45 12 0.44 13 0.44 14 0.39 15 0.35 16 0.42 17 0.47 18 0.7 19 0.66 20 0.7 21 0.69 22 0.6 23 0.4 ; * Plot hourly use of electicity by time; proc sgplot data = electricity; series X = Time Y = kWh / markers; title 'Hourly Use of Electricity'; run; quit;