* ScatterPlot1 Example Create a scatterplot that displays body length vs wingspan for various birds. Change the style template to JOURNAL to see the plotting symbols more clearly. Ref: Little SAS Book, p. 236, 7; data wings; input Name $12. Type $ Length Wingspan; datalines; Robin S 28 41 Bald Eagle R 102 244 Barn Owl R 50 110 Osprey R 66 180 Cardinal S 23 31 Goldfinch S 11 19 Golden Eagle R 100 234 Crow S 53 100 Magpie S 60 60 Elf Owl R 15 27 Condor R 140 300 ; proc print; proc format; value $birdtype 'S' = 'Songbirds' 'R' = 'Raptors'; * Plot Wingspan by Length; proc sgplot data = wings; scatter X = Wingspan Y = Length / group = Type; format Type $birdtype.; title 'Comparison of Wingspan vs. Length'; run; quit;