* Histogram Example Create a histogram with superimposed normal density curve. Ref: The Little SAS Book, pp. 231, 2; data contest; input Name $ NumberBooks @@; datalines; Bella 4 Anthony 9 Joe 10 Chris 6 Beth 5 Daniel 2 David 7 Emily 7 Josh 7 Will 9 Olivia 7 Matt 8 Maddy 8 Sam 13 Jessica 6 Jose 6 Mia 12 Elliott 8 Tyler 15 Lauren 10 Cate 14 Ava 11 Mary 9 Eric 10 Megan 13 Michael 9 John 18 Alex 5 Cody 11 Amy 4 ; * Create histogram and density curves; proc sgplot data = contest; histogram NumberBooks / binwidth = 2 showbins scale = COUNT; density NumberBooks; title 'Reading Contest'; run; quit;