* MatchMerge Example Merge a dataset of bolt orders with catalog information to compute the extended price for each order. options ls=64 nodate pageno=1; data bolts; infile 'c:/datasets/bolts-coarse.txt' firstobs=2; input cat_no $ size diam length price; proc print data=bolts; data orders; input order_no customer $ cat_no $ quantity; datalines; 456 Miller C421 32 467 Jones C531 41 531 Smith C421 18 598 Roberts C331 50 ; proc sort data=orders; by cat_no; proc print data=orders; data merged; merge orders bolts; by cat_no; if order_no ~= .; ext_price = quantity * price; keep order_no customer cat_no quantity price ext_price; proc print data=merged; run; quit;