[1] Bears Dataset Height Weight 1 1.9050 92.53284 2 1.8542 92.53284 3 1.8288 88.45051 4 1.8542 89.81129 5 1.8034 92.07925 6 1.7526 84.82177 7 1.8542 96.16158 8 1.8034 87.99692 9 1.8288 84.36818 10 1.9050 104.77984 11 1.8034 96.61517 12 1.7272 81.64663 13 1.8034 83.46100 14 1.7526 74.84274 15 1.8034 95.25440 16 1.8796 86.18255 17 1.7526 90.26488 18 1.8288 80.73944 19 1.8288 104.32625 20 1.9050 102.96547 21 1.8542 93.44003 22 1.8542 103.41906 23 1.8542 103.41906 24 1.9304 122.46994 25 1.9050 108.86217 26 1.9812 123.37712 27 1.9050 117.93402 28 1.9304 124.28431 29 1.9304 124.28431 30 1.9050 123.37712 31 1.9812 138.34567 32 1.8796 145.14956 33 1.9304 122.46994 34 1.9304 126.09868 35 1.8796 121.56276 36 1.9812 128.36664 37 1.8796 111.13013 38 1.8034 85.27537 39 1.8542 88.45051 40 1.8542 80.28585 41 1.9050 108.86217 42 1.8542 92.98644 43 1.8288 103.41906 44 1.9304 117.48042 45 1.9050 124.73790 46 1.9558 121.56276 47 1.9558 124.28431 [1] Regression Summary of Bears Dataset: Call: lm(formula = Weight ~ Height, data = bears) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -20.595 -7.088 -0.486 6.520 38.574 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) -314.86 47.03 -6.695 2.89e-08 *** Height 224.22 25.15 8.914 1.68e-11 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Residual standard error: 10.76 on 45 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.6384, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6304 F-statistic: 79.46 on 1 and 45 DF, p-value: 1.676e-11