* GFClocks Example Set up a regression model with interaction to predict the price of a grandfather clock from the age of the clock and number of bids; options linesize=70 nodate pageno=1; data gfclocks; infile "c:/datasets/gfclocks.txt" firstobs=2; input age nbids price; interact = age * nbids; label age="Age of Clock" nbids="Number of Bids at Auction" price="Auction Price of Clock" interact="Interaction between age and nbids"; * Obtain parameter estimates and residual plots for interaction model; proc reg; title "GFClocks Example"; model price = age nbids interact; plot r.*p. r.*nqq.; * Use proc glm to obtain parameter estimates and plots; proc glm; model price=age nbids age*nbids; output out=out r=resid p=predict; proc gplot; plot resid * predict; run; quit;