* BearsCorrSimple Example Input height and weight of 1985 Chicago Bears players and convert them to metric; options linesize=70 nodate pageno=1; data bears; infile "c:/datasets/bears85.txt" firstobs=3; input name $ 4-22 ht_ft 27 ht_in 29-30 wt_lb 32-34; height = (ht_ft + ht_in / 12) * 0.3048; weight = wt_lb * 0.453592; label height="Height in Meters" weight="Weight in Kilos"; keep name height weight; * Print dataset. The title only needs to be set once; proc print; title "Height and Weight of Chicago Bears Players"; * Compute sample mean and SD of height and weight and also the sample covariance and correlation of height and weight; proc corr cov; var height weight; * Show scatterplot of Weight vs. Height; proc gplot; plot weight * height; run; quit;