Goal: Obtain a regression model for predicting attitudes about crime from independent variables.
Dataset: crime.txt
Dependent Variable: crime_att (Crime Attitude)
Students at a state university are given a list of acts and asked to indicate which of these acts constitute a crime. Here is the list of acts: aggrevated assault, armed robbery, arson, atheism, auto theft, burglary, civil disobedience, communism, drug addition, embezzlement, forcible rape, gambline, homosexuality, land fraud, nazism, payola, price fixing, prostitution, sexual abuse of children, sexual discrimination, shoplifting, stikes, strip mining, treason, vandalism. The dependent variable crime_att is the number of these acts that the student marks as constituting a crime.
Independent Variables: age (Age of Student), college (Number of Years of College), income (Income of Parents), gender (dummy variable with values 0 = Male, 1 = Female)
Steps of Analysis: