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Last revised 8/5/31/17, 9:00am.

Final Exam Review Guide


Bring to Midterm

Exam Format


Sample Short Essay Questions

Short essays should be written in complete sentences and paragraphs. Include an introduction and conclusion:

  1. Based on what you know of SAS or R (choose one) so far, describe what you like and dislike about that statistical software.  Be constructive.
  2. What are some of the popular transforms that can be used on a regression model. When would you use them?
  3. Describe some of the statistics that measure the influence of a regression model. What they tell you?
  4. What is the hat matrix and how is it useful for regression analysis.
  5. What is a least squares regression estimator and how is one obtained? Give a general description without detailed math equations.
  6. What are some methods of external validation for a regression model.
  7. Explain what logistic regression is and how it differs from ordinary multiple regression.

Be Able To

  1. Answer problems like the ones in the Review Questions at the beginning of each of the lecture notes.
  2. Find descriptive statistics on SAS or R output.
  3. Interpret histograms, boxplots, residual plots, normal plots.
  4. Find outliers using Tukey's method.
  5. Compute normal scores given the sample size using Van der Waerden's method.
  6. Interpret SAS or R output that performs these t-tests: one-sample, paired-sample, independent two-sample.
  7. Interpret SAS or R output for multiple regression models, including the overall F-test for regression.
  8. Write out the five steps of a test of hypothesis (one-sample t-test, paired-sample t-test, overall F-test for regression).
  9. Given n, p, SSE, and SSM for a regression model, compute SST, DFM, DFE, DFT, MSM, MSE, F, R2, R2
  10. Given appropriate sample statistics, obtain the LSE model for horizontal regression, regression through the origin, and simple linear regression.
  11. Calculate the predicted value of a new observation for a multiple regression model.
  12. Find statistics for a regression model on SAS or R output.
  13. Calculate a confidence interval for a true regression paramater of a multiple regression model.
  14. Discuss residual plots and normal plots of residuals for a regression model.
  15. Construct dummy variables for a categorical variable.
  16. Explain what the Bernoulli and binomial distributions are and some examples where they occur in practical applications.
  17. Given a probability, calculate the odds ratio. Given the odds ratio, calculate the probability.