To: CSC 423/324 Students
From: Steve Jost, Instructor
Date: July 7, 2017
You are receiving this email because your name is on the roster for the Summer II course Data Analysis and Regression (CSC 423/324). Here is some information about the course:
- CSC 423 meets on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 5:45pm to 9:00pm in
Summer II. The start date is
Monday, July 17; the end date is Wednesday, August 16.
- Course announcements, documents, assignments, and lecture notes will be posted on the course website at
Check the Syllabus link on the left for the course syllabus. Lecture notes will be posted on the course website shortly before that lecture is held.
Assignments will be submitted through the D2L website
- The class textbook is entitled A Second Course in Statistics: Regression Analysis, 7th Edition by William Mendenhall and
Terry Sincich, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2012. This is a required textbook for the course.
- The early final exam is on August 9; group project
presentations are on August 16. Only CSC 423 students in the live section are
required to present their group project to the class.
- For students in the online section and those in the live section that wish to view course lectures online, each lecture will be recorded and be
posted a few hours after the end of each lecture.
- For completing your homework projects and group final project, you have the choice of either using the SAS or R statistical packages.
Both software packages are popular in a variety of industries, although each industry tends to prefer one or the other but not both.
You must run SAS on a Windows PC computer. If you only have a Mac, you will need a Windows emulator to run SAS. See the course
Announcements page for download directions for both SAS and R.
- Here is a link to information about the the free
SAS University Edition,
which students have successfully used in CSC 423.
- If you are having trouble deciding whether to use SAS or R for projects, I suggest using SAS. R is available as a free download any time,
but SAS is only available for no charge if you are a DePaul student.
II hope your summer is going well so far and look forward to meeting you soon. Contact me if you have any questions.