data cpu; infile "C:\Lecture notes\week6\cpudat.txt"; input time line step device; linet=line/1000; label time="CPU time in seconds" line="lines in program execution" step="number of computer programs" device="mounted devices" linet="lines in program (thousand)"; proc corr data=cpu; run; proc gplot data=cpu; plot time*(linet step device); /* Regression analysis*/ proc reg data=cpu; model time=linet step device;*/noint; plot student.*predicted./nostat; plot student.*(linet step device)/nostat; plot npp.*student./nostat ; run; quit; /* Steps to compute the predicted value of Y & the prediction interval or the 95% C.I. for the average response). See lecture 6 notes.*/ data predict; input time line linet step device; datalines; . . 7 6 3 ; data pred; set predict cpu; proc print data=pred; run; /* Refit the regression model. The option clm computes the 95% C.I. for the predicted average response The option cli computes the prediction interval for the predicted response*/ proc reg data=pred; model time=linet step device/clm cli; run;quit;