* Add title to output; title "Mortage refusal rate by applicant racial profile"; /* options in infile statement * delimiter = "09"x specifies data are spaced by Tabs; * firstobs = n specifies first obs is in n-th row; */ data mortgage; infile "C:\Documents and Settings\rsettimi\My Documents\Courses\CSC423\Lecture Notes\Week3\mortgage_refusal_rate.txt" delimiter = "09"x firstobs=4; input bank $ minor white; differ=minor-white; /* One way of computing paired t-test: proc univariate on variable differ, see tests on average results. This is useful to check normality assumptions. */ proc univariate normal plot; var differ; histogram/ normal cfill=white pfill=solid ; probplot/ normal (mu=est sigma=est color=blue l=1 w=1); run; /* Second way of computing paired tests: use ttest procedure & paired statement*/ proc ttest data=mortgage; paired minor*white; run; proc gplot; plot (minor white)*white/overlay; run;