Students - Summer 2009



Name: Grace Dasovich
School: Northwestern University
Project: Content-based Image Retireval (DePaul University)
Supervisor: Dr. Raicu



Name: Francis Ferraro
School: University of Rochester
Project: Computer-Aided Detection of Flat Lesions in CT Colonography (University of Chicago)
Supervisor: Dr. Suzuki



Name: Rebecca Hazen
School: Rochester Institute of Technology
Project: Radlex Ontology and Natural Language Processing (Northwestern University) 
Supervisor: Dr. Channin



Name: Emily Kawaler
School: Carleton College
Project: Computer-Aided Detection of Flat Lesions in CT Colonography (University of Chicago)
Supervisor: Dr. Suzuki



Name: Robert Kim
School: Johns Hopkins University
Project: Content-based Image Retireval (DePaul University)
Supervisor: Dr. Raicu



Name: Jonathan Mortensen
School: Case Western Reserve University
Project: Kolmogorov Complexity and Image Similarity (DePaul University)
Supervisor: Dr. Furst


Name: Stephen Siena
School: University of Notre Dame
Project: Lung nodule segmentation (DePaul University)
Supervisor: Dr. Raicu



Name: Alexander van Esbroeck
School: University of Florida
Project: Radlex Ontology and Natural Language Processing (Northwestern University) 
Supervisor: Dr. Channin



Name: Jia Wu
School: University of California, San Diego
Project: Kolmogorov Complexity and Image Similarity (DePaul University)
Supervisor: Dr. Furst




Name: Olga Zinoveva
School: Harvard University
Project: Lung nodule segmentation (DePaul University)
Supervisor: Dr. Raicu



Name: Rick Brock
School: DePaul University
Project: Probabilistic Based Semantic Retrieval of Lung Nodules (DePaul University)
Supervisor: Dr. Raicu





Webmaster Daniela Stan:
Last modified: September 17, 2009