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Software Engineering Research

School of CTI, DePaul University

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The Division of Software Engineering pursues an active research program in a variety of disciplines. The primary areas of research include object-oriented development, design patterns, software development tools, formal methods, software reliability engineering, validation & verification, and software quality. The division sponsors the biannual Software Engineering Symposium which provides an opportunity for students and faculty to present their research.

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Faculty Profile and Research:

Xiaoping Jia (Associate Professor & Division Director) received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Northwestern University in 1989. His research interests include formal methods, object-oriented software development, design patterns, software development tools, validation & verification, program synthesis, and visual languages. He has recently published a book Object-Oriented Software Development in Java --- Principles, Patterns, and Frameworks. He also received a grant from the National Science Foundation for a research project on Design Refinement and Code Synthesis Based on Z Specifications. Dr. Jia has directed the research and doctoral dissertation of Sotiris Skevoulis, who completed his Ph.D. in June 1999 and is currently a tenure-track assistant professor at Pace University. New York City, NY.

George Knafl (Professor) received a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Northwestern University in 1978. He has been actively pursuing research in software reliability for several years and has published in several leading journals. In addition to Software Reliability his research interests include Software Measurement, Quality and Object-Oriented Software Development.  Dr. Knafl is directing doctoral research for Joseph Morgan (Thesis topic: Software Reliability).

Alan Jeffrey (Associate Professor) -- see Programming Languages

Karen Jeffrey (Assistant Professor) -- see Programming Languages

Corin Pitcher (Assistant Professor) -- see Programming Languages

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