Title:  Contextual Influence on Attribution Accuracy
Authors: Ruth F. Ter Bush
Abstract: This paper is a proposal for dissertation research. The proposal was accepted Sept. 24, 2002. The research is focused on the question of how best to influence the accurate attribution of the meaning of silence for team members who are not co-located. The accurate attribution of silence can have a profound impact on the expenditure of effort. If we make more accurate attributions then we are more likely to make appropriate expenditures of effort, thereby affecting the performance of the group. The proposal calls for the creation of groupware that includes indications for three contextual elements - Physical Access, Information Access and Channel Richness. The groups will be taken through a task of sufficient complexity as to require cooperation and instances of silence for one member of each group will be introduced. The members will be surveyed post activity to determine their attribution of the periods of silence that occurred. It is expected that the groups that are given the cues will make more accurate attributions.
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