A Short History of Computing
Compiled by Jim Marshall at Pomona College
The Abacus
- At least 5,000 years old
- Memory aid for making mental calculations
- Not a true mechanical calculating machine
- Eventually replaced by pencil and paper
Pascal (1623-1662)
- French mathematician
- Built the first mechanical adding machine in 1642 (the Pascalene)
Joseph Jacquard
- Invented Jacquard
loom in 1801
- Fabric patterns controlled by punched
- Could produce fabrics faster and more accurately than any
- Knowledge stored in cards could be spread easily
- Machine could be tended by unskilled factory workers
- Caused riots in 1811 by skilled craftsmen fearing for their
jobs (the Luddites)
- English mathematician and inventor
- Frustrated by errors in mathematical and navigation
- Produced prototype of Difference
Engine in 1822
- Used clockwork technology (wheels, cogs, and shafts)
- Designed to solve polynomial equations (e.g.,
3.56x7 - 7.6x3 + 2.39x
- 8.94 = 0)
- Never completed
- Working
version built in 1991 at the Science Museum of London using only
technology available in Babbage's time
Analytical Engine
- Difference Engine inspired Babbage to design the Analytical
Engine in 1833
- Steam-powered design
- General-purpose programmable machine
- Designed to store 1000 numbers of 50 decimal digits
- Composed of several devices:
- one to receive instructions coded on punched cards (like
Jacquard loom)
- one to perform the coded instructions
- one to store results of intermediate calculations
- one to print out information on paper
- Virtually identical in design to a modern computer
- Never built
Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace (1815-1852)
- Daughter of Lord Byron
- Babbage's patron, assistant, and chronicler
- Wrote sets of instructions for the Analytical Engine
- World's first computer programmer
- U.S. Department of Defense named its programming language
Ada after her
- "The Analytical Engine weaves algebraic patterns just as the
Jacquard loom weaves flowers and leaves"
- American physicist
- Built ABC
machine with Clifford
Berry in late 1930s at Iowa State College
- Special-purpose calculator for finding solutions to systems
of equations
- All-electronic design used vacuum
tubes for switching elements
- Never completed, due to insufficient funding
- German engineer
- Built Z1, Z2, Z3, and Z4 in late 1930s and early 1940s with
Helmut Schreyer
- Electromechanical design used relays for switching
- General-purpose computing device
- Controlled by perforated celluloid strips (like punched
- First machine to use binary number system
- Never completed, due to insufficient funding from the Nazi
- American physicist and applied mathematician
- Built Harvard
Mark I in collaboration with Grace
Hopper and IBM engineers in 1944
- Inspired by Babbage's Analytical Engine
- Electromechanical design used relays for switching
- Handled 23-digit numbers, logarithms, trigonometric
- Controlled by punched paper tape
- Fully automatic but slow (3-5 seconds per
- Remained in use at Harvard until 1959
- Grace Hopper found first actual computer
bug while working on Mark II in 1945
Turing (1912-1954)
- English mathematician and first true computer
- Described mathematical model of a computer in 1936 (Turing
- Proved fundamental theorems about the limitations of
- Founded the field of Artificial Intelligence in 1950
- Wrote seminal papers in other fields (self-organizing
chemical reactions)
- Helped break secret German Enigma
codes in World War II [simulator]
- Worked on British electronic code-breaking computer called
- Enabled Allies to read German military transmissions from
1942 on
- Persecuted by British government for being homosexual
- Committed suicide in 1954
von Neumann (1903-1957) [2]
- Hungarian mathematician, computer scientist, cyberneticist,
all-around genius
- Worked on atomic bomb project during World War II
- Invented game theory and developed the theory of
self-replicating automata
- Originated key concept of stored-program computer in
- Program instructions stored in memory along with data
(program = data)
- Easily reprogrammable
- Von Neumann computer architecture became universal
- First stored-program electronic computers appeared in
- Electronic Discrete Variable
Automatic Computer
- Designed by Mauchly, Eckert, and Von Neumann
- Stored-program design
- Used binary instead of decimal words
Generation Computers (mid 40s - late 50s) [2]
- Stored-program computers with random access memory (RAM) of
~1000 words
- Used vacuum
tubes (but took up much less space than ENIAC)
- Punched
cards for input and output
- Vacuum
tube memory or magnetic
core memory for data storage
- Programmed directly in binary machine language
- Included EDVAC and UNIVAC (first commercially available
- Invented in late 1950s by Jack Kilby of Texas
- Many transistors etched on a single silicon chip as a single
- Faster due to decreased distance between transistors
- Incorporated into
Third Generation computers (mid 60s - early 70s)
Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)
High-Level Programming Languages
- Programming in binary machine language very tedious and
- First compiler written in 1952 by Grace
developed by John Backus and a team of IBM programmers in 1957
developed in 1958
developed in 1959 by Grace Hopper
developed by John McCarthy at MIT in 1958
developed in 1964 by Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny at Dartmouth
- Pascal
developed by Niklaus Wirth in 1968
- Prolog
developed by Alain Colmerauer and Phillip Roussel in 1972
- C
developed by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs in early
- Ada
developed by U.S. DOD in early 1980s (named in honor of Lady Lovelace)
- Java
developed in 1990s by Sun Microsystems
- First microprocessor, the Intel
4004, released in 1971
- Designed by Ted Hoff for Japanese calculator company
- Followed by Intel 8008 and 4040 (1972) and 8080
- Entire computer packaged as a single integrated circuit
- Equivalent to having an Analytical Engine the size of a
shirt button
- Motorola 6800 (1974)
- MOS Technology 6502 (1975)
- Zilog Z80 (1976)
Altair 8800
- First popular and affordable microcomputer (~$375)
- Based on Intel
8080 chip
- Some
assembly required
- No software available
- 256 bytes of RAM
- Programmed by manually flipping switches on front
- Bill
Gates and Paul Allen promised MITS a BASIC interpreter for the Altair,
leading to the creation of Microsoft in 1975
8080 was another microcomputer similar to the Altair 8800
- Doug Engelbart invented mouse at SRI in 1964
- Xerox PARC Alto
computer (1974) used mouse, graphics, menus, icons
- Apple Computer founded in 1976 by Steve
Jobs and Steve Wozniak
- Apple
I based on 6502 chip
- Apple
II had color graphics, BASIC, 4K RAM, cassette tape data storage
- Apple Computer's sales went from $2.5M to $583M in six years
(Fortune 500 by 1982)
- Radio Shack TRS-80
introduced in 1977 (Z80 chip, 4K RAM, $600)
- Commodore
PET introduced in 1977 (6502 chip, 4K RAM, $600)
- VisiCalc for Apple II released in 1979
- Steve Jobs visits Xerox PARC in 1979; inspired to develop
PC introduced in 1981
- Apple
Macintosh [2]
introduced in 1984; first microcomputer with GUI
- Dell Computer founded by Michael Dell in 1984
- Compaq reverse-engineers IBM PC BIOS to produce first PC
- Steve Jobs quits Apple in 1985 to found NeXT
Computer, Inc.
The Internet and the World
Wide Web
- ARPANET created in 1969 by connecting together 4 computers
at UCSB, UCLA, Utah, and SRI
- World Wide Web developed at CERN in Switzerland by Tim
Berners-Lee in late 1980s
- First Web browser written in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee using a
NeXT computer
- Marc
Andreesen and Eric Bina at U. of Illinois develop Mosaic Web
- Marc Andreesen and Jim Clark found Netscape Communications
in 1994
- Netscape goes public on August 9, 1995; worth $3 billion by
the end of the day
The Future . . .
- "I think there is a world market for maybe five
—Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM, 1943
- "If automotive technology had progressed as fast as computer
technology between 1960 and today, the car today would have an engine less
than a tenth of an inch across, would get 120,000 miles per gallon, have a top
speed of 240,000 miles per hour, and would cost $4"
—Rick Decker and Stuart
Hirshfield, The Analytical Engine
For Further Reading
The best available history of the personal computer revolution
Fire in
the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer (2nd Edition)
by Paul Freiberger and Michael Swaine