Notes on Clustering Algorithms
(Based on Notes from Ed Fox's Course at Virginia Tech., 1995-1996)
Applications in IR
- Improve search efficiency: similar items are close-by on disk.
- Improve search effectiveness: it is likely that similar documents will be similar
to the same query.
- Precision: if cluster items are all relevant, or all non-relevant
- Recall: if one might not otherwise retrieve all items in a relevant cluster
- Explore the characteristics of a document collection, citation network, etc. Thus, one can easily find nearest neighbors (NNs), or analyze the classification structure.
- Construct a thesaurus based on term-term co-occurrence in documents.
Checklist of Clustering Issues and Steps
- Select features/attributes of objects to use in their representation.
- Select clustering method and similarity measure.
- Run clustering algorithm, producing clusters (and possibly a cluster hierarchy).
- Evaluate the clustering results.
- Update the clustering as changes are made.
- Search or otherwise use the clusters.
Similarity measures
- Similarities should be normalized by length of document vectors.
- Term weighting may not be of particular value.
(For a cluster centroid, weights might even
be re-computed based on ranks. For example, consider a cluster centroid with t terms, so the one with largest weight has rank 1 and the term with lowest weight has rank t. Assume we want a linear decrease in weights, from value 1 for the rank 1 term down to value (1-c) for the term with rank t, where c might be say 0.9. Then, we might use the following value for the weight of the term with rank i:
1 - c*(i-1)/(t-1) )
Common measures:
In all cases, the numerator is based on the inner product, and the denominator is a normalization factor.
- Dice: multiply numerator by 2, and normalize by the sum of both sums of squares
- Jaccard: normalize by the sum of both sums of squares, less the inner product
- Cosine
Similarity matrix
General comments:
- Matrix is useful in many clustering algorithms.
- Matrix is useful for n nearest neighbor (NN) computations.
- Naive algorithm is O(n**2).
- IF-based algorithm can work for sparse matrices or matrix rows.
IF-based Algorithm:
Rationale ---
- sim is zero if there are no terms in common
- we can mark docs that have terms in common, with the aid of the IF
Pseudocode ---
.......foreach document
..............foreach term in document
.....................get IF list for term
............................mark documents appearing in IF list
..............foreach marked document
.....................compute sim with doc in outer loop
Computational complexity
- Terminology: Assume N documents and M clusters
- Space: Need:
- O(N): if store documents / input data set;
- O(M): if store clusters / centroids; and
- O(N**2): if store doc-doc sim matrix
- Time: Need:
- O(N): to just examine input data set;
- O(NM): for simple reallocation methods; and
- O(N**2): to build doc-doc sim matrix
In some cases, clustering must start anew if there are any changes. Sometimes, additions can be made to the most similar cluster (but eventually that may force a regeneration or reclustering).
In other cases, update is part of the clustering algorithm:
- single link: van Rijsbergen and SLINK algorithms
- complete link: CLINK algorithm
Finally, cluster maintenance may be a part of the algorithm, as in the work of Crouch or that of Can et al.
In general, Ward's method, and the group average method, have performed well.
Voorhees found:
- complete link most effective for larger collections
- complete link and group average comparable for smaller collections
- single link hierarchies provided the worst retrieval performance
El-Hamdouchi and WIllett found:
- group average most suitable for document clustering
- complete link not as effective (based on using Defays' CLINK algorithm)