CSC 575
Winter 2023
Course Material
Class Project
Online Resources
Final Project Checklist
The following is a final checklist of what you need to turn in for your
project. Please note that these are general requirements and in
specific cases, not all of these requirements may apply. If you are not
sure about what to include, please consult with me before your
submission. Also, if you think that installation of your system may
require non-trivial or unusual steps, you can arrange for a
demonstration of your system.
Implementation Projects
You will need to electronically submit a compressed file containing
your project distribution files and
documentation. Your project documentation should contain the following
- A detailed report describing your system (including specific
techniques and algorithms you used), and the interaction between the
components (make references to code segments, modules, methods,
functions, etc. as necessary). If you used any outside sources in
your implementation, please clearly indicate which sources, and how and
where they were used.
The report should also include the results of the evaluation of your system.
Several complete sample runs of your program with description,
illustrating how your system works, along with any intermediate input
or output used for the sample run. You should also inlcude a short (5-7 minute)
video summarising your project and demonstrating its functionality. You may
provide a link to your video as part of your report. Please make sure that
your video is publicly accessible. Exceeding the time limit on the video may
result in point deductions.
Your project distribution files should contain the following:
- Complete source code (be sure that your source code is fully
documented and easy to read).
- Binary files (e.g., executables, DLLs, Class files) or other
components necessary to run your program.
- Readme file containing instructions on how to compile, install,
and/or run your program.
- If your application has a server-side
component, please provide a URL for a demo version of your system.
- Data sets used to evaluate your system.
General note on submissions: Your final report must be
detailed and include the elements specified in the above checklist. Your main
report document must be a PDF document and should be separate from your code
(except when you are referring to specific functions or components in your
implementation). For example, you should not submit Jupyter notebooks with your
write up and code combined as your project report. You should write a separate
report and separately submit your well-documented code (such as annotated
Jupyter notebooks) as appendices to your report. Also, a readme file to describe
the submissions and installation details is not a replacement for a detailed
report. Please note that a significant part of the grade for the project is for
the quality of your report and documentation.
Research Papers
Written research projects will be evaluated based on thoroughness, soundness,
originality, significance, and organization. The main deliverable is a research paper
describing the problem you re examining, background and related work including
references to scientific research relevant to the topic), details of proposed
approaches, and results of your experiments and evaluation, including a detailed
discussion experimental methodologies used. You must have the following sections in addition to the main
body of the paper:
- Abstract: This is a short synopsis of the main points of the
paper. This should be 200-300 words, and should appear along with the
title and your name, ID number, and email, on the first page. The rest
of the paper should start on page 2.
- Conclusion: Summarize your conclusions and findings. Keep
this to 300-400 words.
- References: This is a list of references that you have used
in doing your research and throughout your paper. The references should
be numbered and the number for the reference should appear in the
appropriate places in the text of the paper where the reference was
used (it is not enough to list a bibliography at the end of the paper
without actually using any references within the body of the paper).
You can look at any of the papers assigned for reading in the class for
acceptable uses of references. URL references should only be used for
referring to specific system Web sites and not as a way to reference
published work.
The main body fo your paper should be well-organized and divided into logical
subsections. Clarity, organization, and good exposition will be among the
evaluation criteria for research papers. In addition to your paper, you shoud
also include, as appendices, your implementation code for methods/techniques
mentioned in the paper as well as data sets used in your
experiments and evaluations.
Your final paper should be submitted electronically in