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Intelligent Information Retrieval
CSC 575

Assignment 2
Due: Sunday, February 06, 2022

General Notes: for all programming assignments, please provide your clearly documented code and clearly labeled outputs. Presentation clarity, as well as code documentation, modularity, and efficiency will be used as criteria in the evaluation of assignments. If you are submitting Jupyter Notebooks, please submit both the source file (IPYNB) as well as the HTML version of your Notebook.

  1. [35 pts] Collocations and Mutual Information

    Write a program to compute the pairwise mutual information measure for word pairs appearing in a document corpus. Start by writing a function co-occurrence(corpus, window_size) which takes as input the document corpus and a token window size (to be used to estimate co-occurrence frequencies) and returns frequency values for word pairs as well as for individual words. For simplicity, you can assume that the document corpus is comprised of a single document with partially preprocessed tokens separated by white-space (see the test corpus provided below as an example). Then using the frequency information, compute and display the mutual information measure as discussed in the lecture notes: Content Analysis & Statistical Properties of Text.
  2. Your clearly formatted output should include word pairs in decreasing order of I(x,y) (mutual information for words x and y). along with the frequencies words and the co-occurrence (see example below for sample output).

    To estimate the frequency values you should implement the window-based algorithm presented in the lecture notes. In this algorithm, overlapping windows of size window_size are generated with the window advancing by a single token in each iteration (thus generating ngrams of size window_size). Note that this process will result in a total of N_w = N - window_size + 1 overlapping windows, where N is the totla number of tokens in the corpus. For a pair of word (x, y), the frequency of co-occurrence of x and y, f(x,y), is estimated as the number of windows in which the x and y co-occur. Note that the order in which x and y appear in each window is not relevant, and within each window only one co-occurrence of x and y contributes to the frequency, f(x,y). For individual words, f(x) and f(y) are taken to be number of occurrences of x and y in the whole corpus, respectively. These frequency values are divided by N to estimate probabilities P(x), P(y), and P(x,y) used in computing the pairwise mutual information, I(x,y).

    As an example, consider the sample document corpus containing 14 tokens:

    ['search queri process retriev process queri relev feedback 
    queri relev process queri process queri']

    Using window_size = 3, there will be 12 overlapping windows:

    token window 1 = ['search', 'queri', 'process']
    token window 2 = ['queri', 'process', 'retriev']
    token window 3 = ['process', 'retriev', 'process']
    token window 4 = ['retriev', 'process', 'queri']
    token window 5 = ['process', 'queri', 'relev']
    token window 6 = ['queri', 'relev', 'feedback']
    token window 7 = ['relev', 'feedback', 'queri']
    token window 8 = ['feedback', 'queri', 'relev']
    token window 9 = ['queri', 'relev', 'process']
    token window 10 = ['relev', 'process', 'queri']
    token window 11 = ['process', 'queri', 'process']
    token window 12 = ['queri', 'process', 'queri']

    This will result in the following frequency values:


    The final output including the mutual information values for this example is depicted in this table.

    Test your program using the test document corpus: hw3-test-corpus.txt using window sizes 2 and 3 and in each case provide the final output including the frequency and mutual information values as suggested above.

  3. [35 pts] Indexing Models and Term Weighting

    Consider a term-by-document matrix (with M terms and N documents), such as the one depictred below, with entries corresponding to raw terms counts.


    Write a program (or programs) to perform each of the following tasks according to the specified indexing models (term weighting schemes). Your program should work for any number of terms and documents. However, you should test your program with the above term-by-document matrix provided in the file: hw2-term-doc-matrix.csv. You may use standard numeric or data manipulation libraries for the language of your choice (e.g., Numpy or Pandas in Python). However, you should not use built-in functions that directly perform the specified task (e.g., tf x idf transformation).
    1. Convert raw term counts to (non-normalized) tf x idf weights. Use log base 2 in computing the IDF values for each term. Note: you should not use any libraries or built-in functions that directly compute tf x idf values. Provide the resulting document-term matrix with the new weights as final output. As intermediate result, output the IDF values for each term as a single list or table..

    2. Compute the new weights using the signal-to-noise ratio approach. Again use log base 2 in your computations. In addition to the final term-document matrix with new signal-based weights, provide the a list of entropy (Avg-Info) values for each term.

    3. Using the Term Discrimination model compute and display the discriminant value for each term in the vocabulary. You may wish to start by creating a function to take a specific term and the term-doc matrix as inputs and display the discriminant value for the term as output. Along with the discriminant value for each term, output the average similarity across documents with that term omitted. Use this function to iterate overall terms and output the results. Based on your results identify the most and the list discriminating terms in the vocabulary. Note: to compute average similarities use Cosine similarity as your similarity measure. Write your own Cosine similarity function by computing the normalized dot product of two vectors.

  4. [20 pts] Vector-Space Retrieval Models

    Given a N x M document-term matrix (containing raw term counts), and a query Q, write a program (or programs) to compute query-document similarities, using different similarity measures, and display the list of documents along with their scores in each case. Specifically, your program(s) should compute query-document similarities using each of the following similarity measures:

    • Dot product
    • Cosine similarity
    • Dice's coefficient
    • Jaccard's coefficient

    You may assume that the query Q is a M-dimensional vector (similar to rows in the matrix representing document vectors). Do not use external libraries that directly compute these similarities; you'll need to write your own similarity functions. However, as noted before, you may use numeric or data manipulation libraries such as Numpy and Pandas to perform basic array/matrix maipulation. You may wish to write separate similarity functions for each measure computing the similarity between two individual vectors. Your program can then iterate over documents (rows in the matrix) and compute similarity between each document and a given test query vector. Ideally, you should pass the similarity function as a parameter to your larger program/function to avoid code repetition.

    To test your program, use (the transpose of) the same term-document matrix given in the previous problem: hw2-term-doc-matrix.csv. As the test query use the following query vector:

         Query Q = [3, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1]

    Your output should include lists of documents and their similarities to the query for each of the aforementioned similarity measures. Please clearly identify which list corresponds to which similarity measure.


  1. [10 pts] [Non-Programming Assignment] Positional Indexes and Phrase Queries

    Shown below is a portion of a positional index in the format: term: doc1: [position1, position2, ...]; doc2: [position1, position2, ...]; etc.

    angels: 2: [36,174,252,651]; 4: [12,22,102,432]; 7: [17];
    fools: 2: [1,17,74,222]; 4: [8,78,108,458]; 7: [3,13,23,193];
    fear: 2: [87,704,722,901]; 4: [13,43,113,433]; 7: [18,328,528];
    in: 2: [3,37,76,444,851]; 4: [10,20,110,470,500]; 7: [5,15,25,195];
    rush: 2: [2,66,194,321,702]; 4: [9,69,149,429,569]; 7: [4,14,404];
    to: 2: [47,86,234,999]; 4: [14,24,774,944]; 7: [199,319,599,709];
    tread: 2: [57,94,333]; 4: [15,35,155]; 7: [20,320];
    where: 2: [67,124,393,1001]; 4: [11,41,101,421,431]; 7: [16,36,736];
    Which document(s) if any match each of the following queries, where each expression within quotes is a phrase query (briefly explain your answes)?

    1. “fools rush in”
    2. “fools rush in” AND “angels fear to tread”

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Copyright, Bamshad Mobasher, DePaul University.