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Intelligent Information Retrieval
CSC 575

Assignment 1
Due: Sunday, January 22, 2023

  1. [25 pts] IR Evaluation

    Suppose that we have a standard IR evaluation data set containing a set of 1,000 test documents, a set of test queries, and relevance judgements on query-document pairs. Assume that a particular query, Q,  in this data set is deemed to be relevant to the following 20 documents in the collection:

    REL = { d1, d5, d10, d88, d150, d200, d210, d250, d300, d400, d405, d472, 
                   d500, d501, d545, d600, d635, d700, d720, d800}

    Two different retrieval systems S1 and S2 are used to retrieve ranked lists of documents from this collection using the above query. The top 10 retrieved documents for these two systems are given below (each list is in decreasing order of relevance).

    RET(S1, Q) = d1,d200,d150,d4,d10,d400,d88,d600,d500,d520
    RET(S2, Q) = d400,d33,d150,d117,d999,d101,d501,d800,d15,d88

    This information is provided in the following CSV files for your convenience:

    hw1-relevant.csv - test documents relevant to query Q and their relevance weight (or gain). The gain is only used for part c below.

    hw1-retrieved.csv - Top 10 document retrieved by S1 and S2, respectively, ranked in decreasing order of relevance.

    [Note: for this problem you do not need to write a program (though you can if you wish). At minimum, you should consider using a spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel) to facilitate performing the computations and visualization. You should submit your spreadsheet or program, and the answers to the following questions clearly identified.

    1. Compute the Precision and the Recall graphs for each system as a function of the number of documents returned (for 1 document returned, 2 documents returned, etc.). First, compile your calculations in a table which shows the Precision and Recall for S1 and S2 as a function of the number of documents returned (from 1 to 10). Then, create separate graphs for Precision and Recall, in each case comparing the two systems. For each graph, use the number of retrieved docs (from 1 to 10) as the x-axis and the value of the metric (precision or recall) as the y-axis.
    2. A single metric that can be used to combine precision and recall is the F Measure (see Section 8.3 of the IR Book). Using the F measure with B=0.5 (equation 8.5), create a graph similar to the above comparing the two systems.
    3. Next, using the graded relevance weights (gain) provided for the relevant documents,  compute the Discounted Cumulative Gain (DCG) and the Normalized DSG (NDCG) values for the retrieved documents for both S1 and S2. Depict the results in a graph similar to previous parts comparing NDCG for S1 and S2.

  2. [40 pts] Inverted Indexes

    Write a program to create a simple inverted index from a set of text documents and to generate the outputs specified below.

    Recall that an inverted index contains two components: a dictionary containing all unique tokens (not including stop words) in lexicographic order, and a set of postings that for each token contain a list of document ids in which the token appears along with its occurrence count in each document (conceptually, an inverted index might look similar to this example). Note that the dictionary also contains (for each term) statistics such as total number of occurrences in the collection and the document frequency (number of documents in which term appears).

    Your program should take a set of documents as input, parse each document to identify tokens (tokenization), convert tokens to lower case, and remove punctuation symbols and stop words. You may assume that tokens are alpha-numeric strings separated by white space (after removing punctuation symbols). You must use the following list of stop words: stopwords_en.txt. You do not need to perform stemming for this problem (for the provided test data some minimal and rudimentary stemming has already been performed). Your program should first construct an inverted index using an appropriate data structure. While there are various efficient data structures in which to store the dictionary, in this case you may consider using a hashtable (such as a Python dictionary or Java Hashmap) with tokens as keys. Similarly, a hashtable can be used to store the posting lists for each token.

    Once the inverted index is constructed, your program should allow the user to input a token that's part of the vocabulary and return the list of documents in which the token appears along with the occurrence counts for the token in each document.

    Test your program on this small set of test documents provided (each document is a line preceded by the document ID). Submit the following along with your well-documented code.
    1. Show the full contents of the dictionary in lexicographic order of tokens along with document frequencies and total frequencies in an easily readable format (see this example of what a partial output might look like). In your submission, clearly show the execution of your program and the output generated.
    2. Show the output of your program when searching the postings for these individual tokens: "index", "cluster", "query", "search", "engine", and "retrieve" (in each case the output should show the "hit list" of documents containing the token along with the token's occurrence count in each document. In your submission, clearly show the execution of your program and the output generated.
    3. Based on the results obtained in part b show the set of documents resulting from the following Boolean queries (you need not implement a query mechanism; you only need to give the end result for each query):
      1. index AND query
      2. index OR query
      3. index AND (NOT query)
      4. (search AND query) OR (search AND retrieve)
      5. (index OR cluster) AND (engine OR search)

  3. [25 pts] Character Ngrams to Find Similar Terms

    Write a program/function to compute the (syntactic) similarity between two words using character ngrams with Dice's coefficient used to compute the similarity score [See slides 36-37 in Week 2 lecture: Indexing and Document Analysis). Your function,

         ngram_sim(word1, word2, N)

    should take as input two words and the value of N (the length of ngrams) and return the similarity score between the two words. As intermediate output, your function should also display the number of unique ngrams for each word and the number of unique shared ngrams between the two words. Test your function on the words "statistical" and "statistics" with N=2 (for bigrams) as shown in the lecture slides. [As an example, here is a sample output for N=2 and N=3].

    Next using N = 2 and N = 3, compute similarities between the word "promotional" and each of the words:
    • proportion
    • proportional
    • promotion
    • emotional

    In each case provide the intermediate outputs of your program specified above as well as the final similarity score.

  4. [10 pts] WordNet

    WordNet is an advanced lexical ontology and thesaurus for the English language with many applications in information retrieval and natural language processing. Write a one page document about WordNet containing the following elements: (1) Your own description of WordNet; (2) a summry of the unique features of WordNet that distinguish it from other types of standard thesauri; and (3) a discussion of ways WordNet can be (or has been) used in the context of information retrieval.

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Copyright ©, Bamshad Mobasher, DePaul University.