CSC 426
Spring 2025
Course Material
Class Project
Online Resources
All assignments for the class will be available in electronic form from this
page. Unless otherwise specified, the assignments must be done individually
(you are welcome to discuss the problems with others in the class, but you
must submit your own work).
Unless otherwise specified, assignments are due by 11:59 PM on
the due date provided below.
- Article Review
- First Draft (Due: Sunday,
April 20)
- 2nd Draft
(Due: Friday, May
- Research Proposal
- Abstract / Problem Statement (Due:
Sunday, April
- First Draft (Introduction & Related Work) (Due:
May 16)
- First Draft (Full Proposal) (Due:
May 25)
- Final Draft (Due:
June 10)
- Class Presentation of one of the Course Topics
- Proposal Presentations (In Class - Weeks 9 and 10)
- Brief Response Reports (BR2):
- Throughout the quarter you'll be assigned weekly readings for which
you will write and submit a Brief Response Report (BR2).
A BR2 summarizes the goal and main points of an article and then
makes two or more primary points (from your own perspective) that
critique, dispute, reinforce, or extend findings or observations of the
article. The BR2s are always due by midnight on the next Tuesday
after the date of the assignment. In addition to submitting the BR2s,
you should bring a copy with you to the next class session and be
prepared to discuss it.
Assignment Submission: All written assignments must be submitted
electronically, via
Preferred formats are: Microsoft Office Word or PDF. Be sure to include your name in each assignment.