CSC 380/480 - Foundations of Artificial Intelligence - Winter 2007

General Course Information


Bamshad Mobasher
Office: Loop Campus, CTI Building, Room 833
Phone: (312) 362-5174
Office Hours: Monday. 4:30-5:30, Tuesday. 4:00-5:30 PM (or by appointment)

Course Objectives:

This course will provide an in-depth survey of important concepts, problems, and techniques in Artificial Intelligence. A particular focus and a unifying theme in the course will be the concept of "intelligent agents". No previous knowledge of AI is necessary to take the course. The course is particularly suitable for graduate and advanced undergraduate students who want to gain the technical background necessary to build intelligent systems, or as a preparation for more advanced work in AI. The concepts and techniques learned in this course will be directly applicable to many other areas of computing sciences, including software design, distributed systems, databases, and information management and retrieval.



CSC 383 or 393 (or equivalent background in data structures and algorithms)

Grading Policy:

The final grade will be determined based on the following components:

    Assignments = 65%
    Final Exam / Project = 35%

Assignments & Exams:

There will be 4-5 assignments during the quarter. These assignments will generally be comprised of written problems, but may include some programming components. Unless otherwise specified, late assignments will be penalized 10% per day (with weekends counting as one day). The students will have the option of taking a final exam or completing a programming project which will be due at the end of the quarter. The exam will be open book and open notes. In general, make-up exams will only be given with prior approval or in cases of emergencies. More information about the project and exam will be provided later in the quarter.

Tentative List of Course Topics

Topics Reading
Introduction to AI; Intelligent Agents Ch. 1, 2
Problem Solving and Search Ch. 3
Heuristic Search Ch. 4
Logic and Knowledge Representation Ch. 7, 8, 9, 10
Basic Planning Ch. 11
Reasoning with Uncertainty; Probabilistic Reasoning Ch. 13, 14
Machine Learning Ch. 18

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Copyright © 2007-2008, Bamshad Mobasher, School of CTI, DePaul University.