CSC 380/480 - Foundations of Artificial Intelligence - Winter 2007

Final Exam Review Guide

Topics Covered in the Exam

  • Intelligent Agents
    • PEAS description for agents
    • Architectural patterns for agent design (reflex agents, goal-based and utility agents, etc.)
    • Environments and their properties

  • Problem Solving and Search
    • State-space representation and state-space graphs
    • Role of operators and goals (e.g., impact of operators on branching factor in the search space, etc.)
    • Problem types and their characteristics (single-state, multiple-state, contingency, etc.)
    • Search strategies (depth-first, breadth-first, iterative deepening, uniform cost)
    • Analysis of completeness, optimality, and space/time complexity for various search strategies

  • Informed Search
    • Admissible heuristics and comparison of various heuristic functions
    • Hill-climbing search strategies
    • Greedy Best-first search
    • A* search

  • Adverserial Search and Games
    • Heuristics in games
    • Minimax procedure
    • Alpha-Beta pruning
  • Knowledge Representation and Logical Reasoning
    • Logical entailment and logical equivalence in Propositional Logic
    • Models and interpretations in Propositional Logic
    • Representation of problems in First-Order Predicate Calculus (e.g., translation from English)
    • Models and interpretations in FOPC, and the semantics of FOPC statements
    • Using the rules of inference in proofs (derivations) in Propositional Logic and FOPC
    • Conversion of First-Order logic formulas into CNF or clausal form (including "Skolemization")
    • Resolution rule of inference and refutation procedure
    • forward and Backward chaining and AND-OR proof trees
  • Reasoning with Uncertainty
    • Probabilistic Reasoning
      • axioms of probability theory
      • join probability distributions and making inferences
      • Bayes’ Rule and its use in making probabilistic inferences
      • normalization and combining evidence (Bayesian updating)
      • notion of conditional independence
      • basic ideas of Bayesian networks, including making inferences given a BN
    • Decision Theoretic Agents
      • Action model for DT agents
      • Decision trees, including computation of state utilities
      • Principle of Maximum Expected Utility
    • Reasoning with certainty factors (MYCIN)

Text Material Related to the Final Exam
(Note: some of the topic and issues discussed in the class is not in the text book; your are responsible for both the text material as well as the the class material)

  • Chapter 1 (Sections 1.1 and 1.3)
  • Chapter 2 (all)
  • Chapter 3 (all)
  • Chapter 4 (Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 - not local beam search and genetic algorithms)
  • Chapter 6 (Sections 6.1-6.4)
  • Chapter 7 (7.1-7.5)
  • Chapter 8 (8.1-8.3)
  • Chapter 9 (all - through "Example Proofs" subsection of 9.5)
  • Chapter 13 (all)
  • Chapter 14 (Section 14.1-14.2)

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Copyright © 2007-2008, Bamshad Mobasher, School of CTI, DePaul University.