Call for PapersComputational ComplexityTwenty-second Annual IEEE Conferencehttp://computationalcomplexity.orgJune 13th to June 16th, 2007San Diego, California
Conference Committee
Important Dates
Organizing Committee for FCRC
The conference seeks original research papers in all areas of
computational complexity theory. We also encourage results from other areas of computer
science and mathematics motivated by topics in complexity theory. The following list of
possible topics is not exhaustive:
A submission must be received by 23:59 EST, December 3rd, 2006, for consideration. See below for format guidelines. Electronic submission instructions will be available from the conference's main web page no later than November 11th. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the conference. The program committee will determine time allocations for presentations (between 15 and 45 minutes). Conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society. Publication in the conference proceedings does not preclude subsequent journal publication. Sponsors The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee for Mathematical Foundations of Computing in cooperation with ACM SIGACT and EATCS. This year the conference is one of the constituent conferences of the Federated Computing Research Conference (FCRC 2007). Please see their web site for details on FCRC and the other conferences. More Information More information on the conference is available on this
web site.
Information about local arrangements will be posted when they become
available. You may
also contact the publicity chair: |
Electronic Submissions We prefer electronic submissions. The submissions web site will be available no later than November 11th. Submissions to other conferences Abstract material which has been previously published in another conference proceedings or journal or which is simultaneously submitted to another conference with published proceedings (including STOC 2007) will not be considered for acceptance. Authors are encouraged to submit their papers to the Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity. Submission Guidelines The conference has imposed a firm limitation of twenty pages (in 11 point or larger font) on submissions. This limit includes the bibliography and any technical appendices. Submissions deviating from these guidelines risk summary rejection. In your abstract (i) explain what the paper's major contributions are, (ii) convey why these contributions are interesting, and (iii) tell how these contributions relate to prior work. Authors with no access to electronic submissions may contact Peter Bro Miltersen, the program committee chair, by e-mail. Notifications of accepted papers will go out by February 4th, 2007. Final Copies The instructions for final copies will be communicated to authors of accepted papers. The deadline for final copies is March 30th, 2007. Visas |
Ronald V. Book Prize for Best Student Paper This award will be given to the best paper written solely by one or more students. An abstract is eligible if all authors are full-time students at the time of submission. This should be indicated in the submission registration message or cover letter. The program committee may decline to make the award or may split it among several papers. Best Paper Award This award will be given to the best paper submitted to the conference. This will be awarded by the program committee. The program committee may decline to make the award or may split it among several papers. The Federated Computing Research Conference This year the conference will be a part of the Federated Computing |
Page last updated on August 16th, 2006.