Midwest Theory Day

...[I]t is true that computer science in its theoretical formulation is dominated by a spirit of abstraction which defers to no other branch of mathematics in its zealotry. -- Davis and Hersh, "The Mathematical Experience"

Next Theory Day: Sometime in the spring

The last Midwest Theory Day will took place Sunday, November 13th, 2011, on Northwestern University's Chicago campus.  Travel information, talk schedule, and other details are still available at the day's web site: http://theory.eecs.northwestern.edu/MTD2011/

MTD is currently on a break.  But look for it to roar back this spring as Esfan Haghverdi takes over as the new organizer. 

Midwest Theory Day is held twice a year, usually on a Saturday in December and on a Saturday in April or May.  Anyone interested in theoretical computer science is welcome to attend.  There is no registration fee, lunch is provided, and the talks are scheduled so that from many locations in the Midwest it is often possible to come, attend all of the talks, and return home all in a day.  For those wishing to stay into the evening, arrangements for a banquet dinner are made at a local restaurant, each person paying for his or her own meal.  

There are usually six or seven contributed talks and often an invited talk.  There is no program committee and there are no proceedings.  Anyone willing to talk may do so.  The atmosphere is relaxed and informal and so is an excellent forum for graduate students to get experience giving a talk.   

Generally, the December day has been held at a university in Chicago and the spring day somewhere else in the Midwest but this varies depending on who offers to host.  

If you have any questions about the day or this web site or, better yet, if you wish to host the day please send me e-mail.

Previous Theory Days

The last Theory Day was in November, 2011, at NU.  There were no Theory Days in 2012.  But there will most definitely be one in spring, 2013. 

The 61st MTD took place on Saturday, December 11th, 2010, at the Toyota Technological Institute in Chicago.  The local arrangements web site is still available.  The 60th MTD took place on Saturday, April 17th, 2010, at Indiana University (Bloomington IN).  The local arrangements web site is still available. 

The photo below was taken at the 55th day, held on Saturday, November 17th, 2007, at the University of Chicago.  Most of the participants appear in this photo taken in Ryerson Hall on the stairway.


A table listing the dates and locations of all previous Theory Days is available.  This was originally copied from the web site created by Shripad Thite, the organizer of the December, 2001, Theory Day, and based on information given by Michael Loui. 

Author: John D. Rogers (jrogers@cs.depaul.edu), CDM, DePaul
Last updated Friday, November 16th, 2012.