IT 231 Web Development I
Fall 2011

Assignment 6 (Final Project)
Authentication and Authorization
Due Sunday November 13 by 11:30 PM


For this project, you'll extend your previous work on a web application to incorporate user login and restrict access to your application using policies appropriate for your application.


  1. User model with encrypted password and salt
  2. Login and logout capability
  3. Restricted access depending on login status (policies may vary)
  4. Login status appears on all pages
  5. Requirements from assignment 5

Optional functions

Depending on your application, you may want to add forms for adding new users, which could be started by creating scaffolded controller and views for the User model. Also, consider adding a form that allows users to change their password.

Summary Document

Prepare a one-page document that summarizes your application and the work you did to create it. The document should show evidence of your understanding of the application components by explaining how you developed them. Also provide instructions for accessing your web application, including main URLs and user logins.

Here's a suggested organization for your summary document:

Regardless of how you organize your summary document, it really helps to label the different sections with headers.


The summary document should use a common presentation format, ideally PDF. Using a Zip application, package both the summary document and your rails folder containing all of the code into one Zip file. Submit the zip file using the online submission site.


This project is worth 30 points and will be reviewed using the following criteria (each worth 5 points):