IT 223: Data Analysis
Winter 2006

Assignment 8

Due Friday March 10 before 11:30pm by DL Web Submission

Which online discounter has the best deals?

For this assignment you will need to choose two online discounters (e.g. Amazon, Computer Online,, etc.). Both of your choices should offer comparable products that are of interest to you. To make your results realistic and useful for you, choose products that you are likely to buy. The goal is to determine which of the two discounters provides you with better deals.

For your comparison, you will conduct your analysis using a paired-difference design.

Paired-difference design

For the paired-difference design, each product will be priced on both of your chosen online discounters. Your analysis will compare the paired prices.

  1. Create a list of at least 15 products that both discounters sell. Try to pick items that are priced in a similar range (e.g. from $25 through $75). This will produce paired differences that approximate a normal distribution, an assumption of the t-test.
  2. For each of the products, look up their prices on the Web sites of both discounters.
  3. Perform a paired-difference T-Test on your prices using SAS or the online Web application shown in class. Here are online versions of the example SAS programs that will be presented in class.
  4. Provide a short summary that describes your data collection and interprets your results. For some wording examples, see the wording at the bottom of the SAS examples.


Turn in a report that responds to the instructions. Please use a word processor. The main body of your report must include:

The main body of your report could conceivably fit on one page. Writing, presentation and format count.

In addition, provide the following materials in an appendix: