Server-side vs. Client-side Scripting

Client-side Scripting

In this course, we have focused on using Javascript for implementing interactive web pages. Our scripting of Javascript occurs on the client-side. That is, the browser (the client) runs the javascript code.

Here is a simple example for visualizing the color that corresponds to the Red, Green, Blue values.

Server-side Scripting

For server side scripting, interactive code is executed by the server. Usually, it receives values from the browser, creates a new page based on the values and then sends the page back to the browser.

PHP is one server-side scripting language. It provides a language that accepts data from a form, creates new HTML code and sends it back to a browser. It also can interact with a database.

Almost all web applications use server-side scripting rely on a database to store content. A web development framework allows developers to quickly create a database-backed web application.