
Surveys are structured queries to a large group of people. The goal is to draw conclusions about an entire population of users.


Sources of error

We have mathematical formulas for estimating chance error. Bias is more difficult to estimate. Kuniavsky uses the terms target audience, sampling frame and sample to discuss sources of bias.

Conducting the survey


Both quantitative and qualitative data can be collected with surveys. Open-ended questions contribute to qualitative results.

Qualitative analysis

  1. Group responses into themes
  2. Write summary statements
  3. Report number for each theme


Quantitative results are often displayed with tables, frequency bar charts or pie charts (for categorical responses).

Estimating the sampling error

Note that the population size does not figure into calculating sampling error. It's not clear how the numbers are calculated in the table on p. 332 in the Kuniavsky book.

Items for discussion