HCI 432: User-Centered Interactive Web Development

Winter 2001

Individual Assignment 4

Interactive Javascript: Product configuration

Due Tuesday February 6


You will create a product configuration form for a product of your choosing.

Assignment goals


Many products today can be custom-ordered with additional options and accessories (e.g. cars, computers, pizza). You should choose such a product that affords several possibilities of options. After choosing a product and its set of options, create a Web page that allows the user to specify a particular product configuration. Your page should check for user errors and provide the price of the product.

The choice of product and options is up to you, but it should at least have the following:

You may fabricate the pricing policy of your product, but the price should be a function of all option selections.


Ideally you will post your javascript program on a Web server and email me its URL. If one is not available, simply submitting the files is also okay.


Full credit will be awarded to programs that fulfill all of the requirements, have an orderly display, are well-labeled, and use a consistent HTML Javascript coding style. The quality of the program's layout will not be graded, but students should be prepared to defend their decisions in class.