HCI 432: User-Centered Interactive Web Development

Winter 2001

Individual Assignment 1

Basic HTML Pages

Due Tuesday January 16


You will prepare a simple personal Web site presenting your professional skills and experiences.

Assignment goals


Whether you are a student, a consultant, or an in-house HCI specialist, you often need to present your profesional interests, skills and experiences to colleagues, clients and potential employers. Creating a simple Web site that highlights this professional information is one approach. The main page can present a quick summary of who you are and what you do. Linked pages from the main page can present detailed information depending on the goals of the site's viewer..

For this assignment, create a simple Web site that presents your professional biography organized in a way that its viewers would find useful. The site should have a main page with links to at least three additional pages. For example, these pages could be organized by courses, projects, and work experience, but you may think of better ways of organizing your site..

Since the goal of this assignment is to ensure that you have a basic understanding of HTML, you must create the needed HTML files with a text editor. Do not use a WYSIWYG editor! But feel free to use content from any personal pages you have already created.

Here are some additional requirements:


Ideally you will post your Website on a Web server and email me its URL. If one is not available, simply submitting the files is also okay.


Full credit will be awarded to sites that fulfill all of the requirements, have an orderly display, are well-worded, and use a consistent HTML coding style. The quality of the site's organization (i.e. the information architecture) will not be graded, but students should be prepared to defend their decisions in class.