HCI 432: User-Centered Interactive Web Development

Winter 2001

Group Project: Full Prototype

Due Tuesday March 13


Your group will prepare a full prototype for user testing.

Assignment goals

Implementing the full prototype

Implementing the full prototype first involves revising the partial prototypes that you previously tested. Using your notes from testing the partial prototypes, make a list of recommended changes. As much as possible, incorporate those changes into your prototype. Create a informal summary (2-3 paragraphs) of the revisions and justify them based on your test results.

Referring to your conceptual design, fill in your partial prototypes with additional pages. While your final prototype need not be a full website, it should consist of approximately a dozen pages.

Establishing test objectives

Assemble a list of at least three test objectives and create a task or a series of tasks that will address your test objectives. At least one of the test objectives should address aspects of the site that were not part of the partial prototypes. One objective may include the user's overall satisfaction with the site.


Submit a document with the following:

Also, your prototype should be ready to go by class time March 13.


Full credit will be awarded to complete and well-edited documentation, with the expectation that the prototype will be available by class time.