HCI 432: User-Centered Interactive Web Development

Winter 2001

Group Project: The Proposal

Due Tuesday February 20


For the first phase of the group project, you propose a site that you will design and prototype. Your proposal is revised in response to simple user and task analyses.

Assignment goals

Choosing your project

Your group project will involve creating a small interactive Web site. You may choose and invent the service that this site offers, but its targeted audience must include your classmates (so that they can serve as test participants). Example services supported by your site include a restaurant with a carryout service, a night club with tickets sold online, and a travel agency offering packaged deals. The size for a site of a successful project should range from a dozen to two dozen pages.

Preliminary Description

Write a brief summary (about 1 paragraph) describing the services you expect your site to provide.

Discount User and Task Analysis

You should perform simple user and task analyses. Rather than focus on demographic characteristics of your users, think about the different ways in which users will approach your site. Ask yourself about their goals and whether they will know their goals before approaching your site. Make a list of the different types of users your site will have defined in terms of how they will interact with your site. For the task analysis, make a list of the principal tasks you expect your site to perform.

After creating a simple list of users and tasks, construct questions for potential users that will confirm and elaborate on your initial lists. With a set of half dozen to dozen questions, pose them to yourself and then to others in the class. Take notes of their answers.

Consolidate your notes and use them to refine your task and user lists. Prioritize your lists by frequency and necessity. For at least two kinds of frequent users and two kinds of important tasks, create a grid that shows their interactions.


Create a summary statement describing your site and its services that combines the principal findings of your analysis with your initial statement describing your site.


Submit a document with the following:


Full credit will be awarded to well-edited reports that document each step and that focus on useful information for designing your site.