Cyberspace as the Future Medium

Freshman Seminar
Fall 1997


Craig Miller
256 South College, x-1400
Email: millercr
Web page:
Office hours: Posted on Web page


MWF 11-12
Denny Hall Room 113
Computer lab: Rm 3 (basement) South College
Announcements and Daily Activities



The information age is upon us, and it calls us to examine critically how the latest in communications, networking and computing technology will affect the distribution of information in our society. What will happen to books, newspapers and publishing? Will the selection continue to skyrocket? Who will have access to the latest information? And who will control it? This seminar will address the future of information distribution and its ultimate impact on our society. The seminar's participants will discuss articles explaining the latest technology, "expert" accounts on where this technology is taking us, and fictional narratives that envision societies built upon an extensive communications infrastructure. Writing assignments will involve reviewing Web sites, comparing the content of different media, and evaluating policies for developing the nation's information infrastructure. To better understand the technology and its impact, additional class activities will include accessing on-line information, reviewing computer documents, and experimenting with technology for retrieving and selecting information.


Amusing Ourselves to Death, by Neil Postman.

Life after Television, by George Guilder.

Being Digital, by Nicholas Negroponte.

True Names, by Vernor Vinge (if available).

Excerpts from Life on the Screen, by Sherry Turkle.

A Writer's Reference, by Diana Hacker. Since writing mechanics (e.g. grammar, spelling, punctuation) will not be discussed extensively in class, you will need to take your own initiative in learning to use appropriate style and grammar in your writing. This book provides one resource for which you are encouraged to frequently refer to.

We will also be reading other, shorter materials. Some will be excerpts from books, newspapers, and magazines, but most will be documents found on the web. Frequently you will find relevant documents yourself, which you are encouraged to share with the rest of the class.

Seminar goals

Certainly, one of your goals should be to learn about the Internet and the Web. However, the freshman seminar is really about learning to perform scholarly activities including critical thinking and reasoning, writing, discussing issues, and presenting arguments. Our seminar topic should provide plenty of material for us to work on these skills. Here are some suggestions for getting the most out of the seminar:


All essays will be assigned at least 2 weeks in advance. Late assignments are generally not be accepted unless accompanied with a written medical excuse.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any evidence of plagiarized work will be promptly reported to the College. If you have any questions or doubts as to what constitutes plagiarism, see the student handbook or ask the instructor.

Your participation grade will be based on the frequency and quality of your contribution to discussions (whether on-line or in class). Midway through the semester you will receive feedback on your current participation grade as well as suggestions for improving it.

Grade Determination

20% Informal writing and assignments
20% Class discussion and participation
60% Four Essays (15% for each essay)

Tentative Essay Assignment Schedule

Assignment Due Date Rev. Date
Web Site Review Sep 15 Sep 29
Media Comparison Oct 13 Oct 27
Future of Digital Media Nov 10 Nov 24
TBA Dec 8 None

Tentative Topic and Reading Schedule

Week General Topic Readings
Sep 1 Media and Content Postman
8 Evaluating Web pages Postman
15 Internet Media Guilder
21 Fate of Newspapers and TV Guilder
28 Comparing Media Negroponte
Oct 6 Advanced Media Negroponte
13 Other views Online articles
20 Intellectual Property Online articles
27 Virtual Realities Vinge
Nov 3 MUDs and Identity Turkle
10 Student Led Discussions TBA
17 Student Led Discussions TBA
24 TBA -- Thanksgiving TBA
Dec 1 Additional topics TBA