CSC 239: Personal Computing for Science

Sixth Assignment (Due 11:30 Monday November 7, 2005)


For this assignment, you will create and publish a web page on your hometown. Your page must contain the following:
  1. Some picture of your hometown. Search the web and find the link.
  2. A short description describing your hometown, description of the picture, your life there, etc.
  3. At least one link referencing a page for further information. This should be an inline link.
  4. In addition to an image link and a hyperlink, use at least 4 different HTML tags for visual formatting.

To complete this assignment, refer to the lab assignment and the links from the class Web pages.

An elegant page with effective writing, clean formatting and a good balance of white space, text and image will merit a high score. Gratuitous animations and other gimmicks will lose points!


Using the dlweb submission, tell me the URL of your hometown page.