CS 232: Data Structures and Problem Solving

Spring 1999

Assignment 3 (2 Week Lab)

Linked Lists: The Skip-3 Solitaire Game

First Review is Due Monday February 22 (5 pts)

Final Program is Due Monday March 1 (35 pts)

Part 1

Create a class called RowOfCards that provides the fundamental methods for easily implementing the Skip-3 solitaire game. The underlying representation must use a backwards-linking linked list. We will discuss design and implementation strategies in class and you are strongly encouraged to incrementally review and test your design, especially before you proceed to part 2.

Part 2

Write a program with a method that uses your RowOfCards class and simulates a round of a game of Skip-3 using any reasonable strategy. Have this method return true if the game is a win and false otherwise. Using this method, experimentally determine the probability of winning at Skip-3.

Final Submission

For submitting your lab assignment turn in the following hard copies: